These words that are scribed upon this webpage are naught but wild speculations. What possibly could this plethora of haphazard pieces of thought in question possess enough of to be considered a viable example of literature?
I believe that the condition "adequate" or "acceptable" is all to relative to the subject and/or public reading the piece of literature in question. Ergo, anticipating the reaction caused by one's words is simply impossible given the variety of tastes and expectancies strewn across the vast population of earth, from the average simpleton or slob, to any of the various hoi polloi all the long way to the tea-sipping, tweed-wearing, nose-lifting nobleman.
Basically what I'm saying is that I don't care what you think.
Hello there, my name is Tony and I hate you to the very core of my being. Yes indeed I hate you. Yes, you. You may be wondering right now why would I hate someone like you without provocation, especially if we take into consideration that I probably don't even have knowledge of your existence but that's just the thing you vile piece of human filth, I don't know you, thus you are part of the average populace which composes humanity from its very foundations to the apex of its decadence and stupidity.
Ergo, if I don't know you, I can blame you for just about anything I would blame humanity in general for, which is just about oh, I don't know..... anything and everything!
I can blame you for the economy, self-righteous politicians and religious officials, the shitty education system, healthcare, let's not forget pop culture promoting half-witted retards to paragons within our shit pit of a society or the ever decreasing average I.Q. of our culture. I can also blame you for things such as pedophile priests, famine and stillborn babies.
Oh I'm sorry was that a little to grim to your liking? yes well I suppose your very limited imagination might have expected something a little less dark in terms of dark humor but then again, I wouldn't know what to call it considering I couldn't find any new color darker than black!
Good Day.